06. Solution: Conditional Statements

Solution: Guess My Number

answer = 35
guess = 30   # this is just a sample answer and guess

if guess < answer:
    result = "Oops!  Your guess was too low."
elif guess > answer:
   result = "Oops!  Your guess was too high."
elif guess==answer:
    result = "Nice!  Your guess matched the answer!"


Oops! Your guess was too low.

Solution: Tax Purchase

state = 'CA'
purchase_amount = 20.00    # a sample state and purchase amount

if state == 'CA':
    tax_amount = .075
    total_cost = purchase_amount*(1+tax_amount)
    result = "Since you're from {}, your total cost is {}.".format(state, total_cost)

elif state == 'MN':
    tax_amount = .095
    total_cost = purchase_amount*(1+tax_amount)
    result = "Since you're from {}, your total cost is {}.".format(state, total_cost)

elif state == 'NY':
    tax_amount = .089
    total_cost = purchase_amount*(1+tax_amount)
    result = "Since you're from {}, your total cost is {}.".format(state, total_cost)



Since you're from CA, your total cost is 21.5.